Photographer Editorial

The Assignment:

This assignment in Advanced Commercial was documentary and studio portrait style. Our teacher instructed us to photograph someone that’s also another photographer, that is also not a student in this class. So, I’m obviously pumped for this assignment because the majority of my friends are photographers. Now, this would be a walk in the park right? Ha. Haha. Haaaaa. Wroooong.

Of course there was a twist — we had to photograph someone that is “not as experienced as you”. Now I’m panicking because ALL of my photography friends have the same experience as me or light years ahead. I happened to overhear another student saying that we could shoot with someone that is in a lower grade (not graduating the same time). Okay, cool… BUT WHO DO I KNOW LIKE THAT????? My class status/standing concept has been warped since I transitioned from Rose State to UCO. I needed to find someone that was at the very least one semester behind me. Sure, I’ll just go around looking like a deranged college student begging around the Mass Comm building for someone who is a grade below me :)

I was at the point where I was just saying F it and I’ll shoot with who I want to make this assignment the BEST.

Insert Allyson: one of the best photographers I got to know while being at UCO. I’ve had her in at least three classes so far and her photography is phenomenal.

Allyson is a photographer based in Oklahoma City, OK, and attended UCO. She’s been dominating the portrait game, especially on Instagram @allysonbiasphoto. Her portraits are easily distinguishable and have a certain tone and style to them.

—— A few pictures from the shoot with model: Lyhn ——

During the Shoots:

I told Allyson exactly what I needed and wanted to do for this assignment and she agreed wholeheartedly (she’s a whole queen for this). She’s so easy to plan with, and we worked perfectly around each other’s schedules. This has to be one of the smoothest shoots I’ve done for an assignment.

First was the documentary portion. The criteria was pretty easy to meet; the only “twist” was that it had to be presented in black and white (I edited in color too because it looks reaaaaaally good in color). I explained what I was going to shoot and it was smooth sailing from there. She did tell me the story of how she ended up with a beautiful pair of sparkly shoes. Let’s just say we all have had tag reading mishaps during sales…

I got introduced to her model Lyhn @xo.lynh! She’s so fantastic in the short amount of time I saw her work.

Let’s get into the Editorial shoot now! This was so fun to shoot and it went by too quick because I got the shot pretty much each time! I wanted to incorporate both of our styles in that portion of the assignment. So, it was a lot of colors — bold and soft and few hints of patterns. We played with different color pallets and themes. The best ones have to be the triadic color scheme pictures that have a purple background (as shown above).

This assignment was so much fun and it totally paid off because ya girl received an A!

All the docu pictures I took + presented for class ———— See the Editorial images here!


Alexander McQueen


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